So far we have known Internet as a facilitator for e-commerce of billions of dollars but of late a beginning has been made for a new type of commercial activity — hacking at a price ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. This activity was formerly associated with persons of disrepute, say criminals, political activists and hacktivists.These days it has become a personal enterprise where sites are floated to advertise the tasks to be performed and bids are invited to do these tasks at a price.Generally the tasks consist of accessing an email account, withdraw unflattering photographs or accessing the data base of a company.They have registered hackers.When they complete an assignment, the site gets a commission.Till the task is completed, the customer’s money is kept in escrow.Most common tasks are breaking into email account and social network sites.The sites do a background check on their registered hackers to assure that they are legitimate and not swindlers.The founders or promoters of the site neither endorse or condone the activities.The FBI conducted an investigation called Operation Firehacker to crackdown on such people but this has not slowed down their activity.Some corporates to assign tasks to ensure that their employees are not involved in hacking of sensitive information. Some sites like NeighbourhoodHacker describe themselves as certified ethical hackers who work with customers to secure their data, passwords and look after children’s safety.