On the eve of the Asian Games in 1982, Indian consumers switched from the black and white TV to colourTV. Another leap is now from colour TV to high definition TV. In India, there are 4 million HD TV subscribers, being almost 10 per cent of DTH subscribers. India sells 8 million TV sets, of which more than half are HD and 4K TV sets. ( 2014 ). This is likely to rise to a share of 80 per cent of all sets sold in 2019. Many HD TV transmission channels are being launched by the broadcasters, e.g. Star World, Premiere HD, HBO Hits, FX HD, Star Movie Select HD, MN+, Café HD. HD movie channels are popular. They can also show unique content. HD enriches the overall TV watching experience. In Hindi, we have Colors HD launched in 2011. HD channels have minimum advertising or are free of advertising. They show ads lasting for four to five minutes per broadcasting hour. HD channels bouquet is offered on subscription by the broadcasters. They generate better average revenue per user ( ARPU ). HD channels attract premium advertisers. Advertising revenue comes from the marketers of premium products. They allow a higher ad rate. As more and more LED TVs get sold in India, soon the whole TV viewing is going to be in high definition.