Helen Brown is the legendary editor who put sex on the cover of women’s magazines. She passed away in August 2012 at the age of 90. She was associated with a prominent women’s magazine in 1965. The 1960s were the time the Feminist movement was on the rise in the US. The signs of femininity — bras, lipstick — were discarded, and equal, non-sexual look was aimed at. Brown put women of substance — writers, artists, entrepreneurs, musicians, movie, stars — on her covers wearing a short shirt, plunging top and a neon- coloured bra. This overt sexual look in the midst of feminist movement emphasised feminine desirability without compromising her personality. That makes her no less of person, on the contrary she becomes more of a woman. She has to become more attractive to hereself, more comfortable and more confident. Brown wanted to tap this confidence. Brown’s version of feminism — fun, feminine and yet powerful — has survived. A woman could be sexy, serious and successful at the same time.