Senior and middle-level i-bankers from Bank of America, J.M. Financial, Credit Suisse, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley and others are shifting to other jobs in high-growth corporates or startups.
Banking is a high-stress job. Bankers would like to move to the buy side and in corporate roles. There is no pressure of revenue targets year-on-year. Another reason for the change over is the monotony of doing the same activity over a period of time. They would love to work on innovations and challenging products. They are good at working out mergers and acquisitions (M&A) too. They are good at fund raising too. In banking, there is burn-out.
There are fintech firms and digital lenders who offer opportunities to i-bankers. Cards such as Slice which allow you to pay in three instalments, or in one instalment like a charge card without any interest are interesting propositions.
Some i-bankers join other domains too. There are new opportunities and better work-life balance.