The largest network of computers in the world is Internet. Many computer networks collectively make up the Internet, and therefore it is called network of networks. Internet helps to access information, to provide information and compile information. Information on Internet is presented as the world-wide web (www). Internet services include direct communication (say e-mail and chat ), online conferencing, distributed information resources (www) and remote login and file transfer.
An ISP is a company that provides Internet service. World Wide Web is a system based on HTTP and hypertext. It provides and organises a wide variety of resources, e.g. text, images and sound. These are available via the Internet. A web page is a document available on www. It is a unit of information. The web pages are sent and received through HTTP. HTML is a code of hypertext mark up language. It describes the structure of the web page. HTML documents are portable. A web browser is a software programme. It set as interface between the user and the world-wide web.It sends requests for information and displays it. Web index collects and organises resources available on world-wide web. Search engines like Google enable users to locate information on world-wide web.
When we see the web pages and the websites, it is called web browsing or net surfing.IP address identifies a computer by assigning it a unique numeric identifier. Domain name identifies and locates the computers connected to the net. Each domain name is unique. Electronic mail is shortened as e-mail. A URL is hierarchical identification and location of Internet resources. TCP/IP is a set of protocols that govern the way the data is transmitted across the networks. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) governs the file transfers from computer to computer. HTTP protocol governs hypertext data transfer from computer to computer. Telnet protocol governs the connect between the computers.
The Internet browsers in use today are Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera and Chrome.