Jawa was created by Frantisek Janecek in Prague, Czech Republic. The first model of the Jawa bike was introduced on October 23, 1929. In India Jawa sale begins in 1960 under a license, but the company stops production in 1996. It had become a defunct brand both in the home country and India. Jiri Grele sold the brand in October 2016 to Classic Legends in India, a Mahindra group company. Jiri had one request for the new owner — please bring the brand to its homeland — the Czech Republic. After 90 years people there may be riding the Jawa motorcycle. In India, Jawa booking in India commence in November 2018. In December 2018, Classic Legends says that models sold out till September 2019.
In the Czech Republic, the old factory has been converted into a museum. In September 2020, Classic Legends shipped close to 750 models to the Czech Republic and this lot has been picked up by historians and photographers. It is a national pride for them.
After the production in India is enhanced, next batch of Jawa would be shipped to Czech Republic. The production will be stablilised in the first quarter of 2021.