Journalism Courses

Two Year PG Diploma in Journalism

It helps students to develop their skills in research,writing ,and delivering news in different media. Well-researched writing is well received. The degree provides a theoretical background. You can specialise in an area of journalism.

One Year P.G. Diploma in Journalism

It is a practical hands-on course. This crash course makes students ready for the industry.

The work that you do is valued more is this industry than a degree or a diploma.



This is a challenging field, though not conducive to fast growth. There are separate diplomas in advertising. Some offer MBA in this subject. Students just focus on copy writing and content generation. There are areas such as account planning, brand management and client servicing. Rather than a diploma, a full-fledged MBA degree will help you master all these areas. Institutes should teach how to make creative briefs. A diploma in advertising packs close to three dozen subjects. There are other areas such as Public Relations and Media Management. A degree is necessary to enter these areas.

Public Relations

Degrees at P.G. level are offered. There is MBA in PR. The students should keep abreast of the latest developments, and not rely fully on the degree. Constant up dating of knowledge is necessary. Some prefer a degree abroad which exposes the student to the best in the field. Indian courses still lack the practical approach. Good institutes offer placement services. MBA in marketing broadens the knowledge of a student. Here PR is not studied as a stand-alone subject. PR students must have aptitude for the job, and must be articulate. They must have a fair understanding of how the industry works.


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