Last Technology Humans Ever Invent

An ex-employee of Open-AI Zack Kass is of the opinion the AI will have tremendous impact on our lives. He is optimistic that AI will play a role in solving global problems. Kass was one of the first 100 employees of OpenAI. The decision to leave the job was a tough one for him. At his home in Santa Barbara, he keeps promoting AI.

There are concerns about AI — doom and gloom. However, AI is a bright technology that brings more joy, and no suffering. He may be considered naive, but he does not mind wearing this label.

AI will have an impact on culture. It will affect business. It will affect medicine and education. AI should be harnessed for ethical considerations. AI-powered teachers in the second and third world, AI-powered physicians will bring about positive changes. Life sciences and biosciences will get exciting.

AI could be the last technology humans ever invent and has the potential to provide us more fulfilling lives. There is less suffering.

The doomsday predictors are worried about the killing effect Ai may exert.

There are four risks — idiocrasy, identity displacement, alignment problem and bad actors.

If AI solves most of the problems, what the human brains will do? They could be focused on hard problems. It is not necessary to think that human brains will cease to evolve. This is idiocrasy.

Some people pass their whole lives in pursuing a craft or trade, say ironsmiths and textile workers. Automation affects their work, and they lose their identities. This is identity displacement.

The third risk is that of existentialism. It is a reasonable apprehension. Can a model be trained to align with human interest? Of course, it can be done. The models henceforth will be examined and must meet the international alignment standards. You cannot allow AI to enslave you.

There is lack of faith in the basic goodness of human beings. This idea has been internalized. One cannot anthropomorphize AI.

Some issues deter the building of AGI. A compute deficit, an energy deficit and wrong policy. Then we think about the concept of AI versus AI. There is an arms race. AGI, if aligned properly with human interests, it will force the actors to strive for the right things.


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