Lesser-known Cryptos

Most popular cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin and Ether. However, over a period of time, many cryptocurrencies have emerged in the market — say more than 11000 currencies do exist. Practically, anyone can create a crypto with a bit of coding. Some are complex decentralised currencies, whereas some get used in videogames. Dogecoin is an example of meme currency.

Some other currencies which are booming are:

Polygon’s Matic: Polygon is founded by three Indians for the Ethereum blockchain. It intends to build a cross-chain platform to enable different blockchains to communicate with each other.

Solana: It has been launched in 2020, as an alternative to Ethereum, and supports smart contracts. Its founder is Anatdy Yakovenko. Solana has DApps. It consumes less energy than Bitcoin.

Cardano: It also supports smart contracts like Ethereum.

Luna: It has been created by Terraform Labs in 2018. The Terra blockchain creates algorithmic stablecoins. These are tied to some physical currencies such as US dollar.


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