Marijuana (Ma-roo-aa-naa)

Marjuana is a flowering plant called cannabis. We get hashish — a kind of resin, ganja from its leaves and bhang from its leaves and seeds. Cannabis contains cannabinoids which act on cannabinoid receptors in the brain to numb them. Buds and flowers with greater THC — tetrahydro-cannabinol –provides the psychological high.

The plant is cultivated in India in Uttarakhand under a license. It is legally grown for pharmaceutical use. It is used in cultural festivals and in some rituals.

It is estimated that India has 27 million cannabis or bhang users. In addition, some 16 million Indians use cannabis illegally. Malana in HP produces 500 kg. of hashish every year.

Cannabis is used to manage pain. It is used in arthritis, pycchological disorders and metabolic problems. Hemp is a fibre obtained from cannabis plant and is used in textiles. Cannabis seeds are used in cosmetics and neutraceuticals.

Cannabis has a strong case for its legalisation. It has well-documented medicinal uses. It has industrial applications. Seeds have nutritional benefit. It can generate good revenues for the government.

Canada, South Africa and Uruguay have legalised cannabis for recreational and medicinal purposes. Georgia has made its consumption legal. In Netherlands, it is available through licensed sellers. Mexico allows recreational use. Belgium permits limited quantity marijuana possession.

In the beginning of the first week of December, 2020, the US House of Representatives passed a bill to decriminalize the use of cannabis. It is the first step to its legalisation in the USA. At least 30 US slates have decriminalized it. There are 15 states and DC which have legalised it. There are 35 states which have legalised medical use. The UN too has removed cannabis from Schedule IV of the Single Convention of Narcotic Drugs, where it is listed along with Opioids. India too has voted in favour of this resolution.

Cannabis has been traditionally used in India for 2000 years. The ancient medical treatises recommend its extract for treating respiratory ailments and diarrhea. The British taxed bhang, ganja and charas.

Cannabis has been treated as a drug under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. Even excise laws in several states restrict its use, and the use of its byproducts. Under the NDPS, consumption of bhang is not illegal, but its possession beyond a certain quantity is illegal. However, under the excise laws, several states in India prohibit the consumption of cannabis leaves or drinking of bhang.

Hemp consists of sterilised seeds, stalks and roots. It is used in textiles also. Hashish is purified substance made from resin. There are terms like grass, pot, reefer, bud etc. for marijuana. There are slang terms for its smoking or consumption — doobie, blunt, toke.


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