
Face book is working on AI to generate worlds through speech, improve how people chat through voice assistants and translate between languages. The key to unlocking a lot of these advances is AI.

Facebook is working on a new class of generative AI models that will allow people to describe a world, and generate aspects of it. Imagine you appear on an island, and give speech commands to create a beach and then to add clouds, trees and even a picnic blanket. It is an AI concept called Builder Bot. This technology will be further advanced . Then you will be able to create nuanced worlds to explore and share experiences with others. All this is through the voice.

Facebook is working on how conversations with voice assistants could be made more natural .It will be a step in the direction of people’s communication in metaverse. It will be neural model. It is called CAIRaoke.

Facebook is working on a universal speech translator. It wants speech-to-speech translations across all languages. Its former goal was translations of all written languages.


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