In fact, what we call metaverse is an online replica of the real world in a 3D digital environment. The access is through AR and VR. People live online as digital avatars. It is this digital personality that complements the physical personality.
In metaverse, there world be hosting of events. It is a new way to plan conferences. It will be no-person events. Online public meetings have been facilitated by technology. In conferences, the virtual avatars will participate.
The quality of the virtual event will be decided by the ease with which the participants will be able to interact as in the real world. The events portfolio will be developed while minimising the operational costs. Some experiences which so far were accessible by the wealthy can well become affordable for the common lot. Metaverse would prove to be huge boon. Metaverse is still a new concept. People are accustomed to social media events. Metaverse events could be expensive to begin with. Special equipment are necessary for interactions. It is a big limitation. There are issues of data security and privacy.
Brands can make use of the events. Events can have prime spaces for branding. It will attract the eye balls. These brands thus can be monetised. Brand managers will become proactive. At present, they are reactive. With AI/ML, one can be sure about the RoI on brand investments.