Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping concept has been created 40 years ago. A mind map is a visual representation of the thought processes that can be used for a variety of purposesĀ e. g. problem solving and communications. Mind Mapping is a 21st century tool. Traditionally, linear note taking uses words, numbers, letters, lines and lists. All these are important elements of learning and dominantly left-brain skills. The skills of right brain include colour, image, spatial arrangement and visual rhythm. Mind Maps combine the left and right brain skills to synergize brain’s learning and thinking power. It is a whole-brain thinking tool. Mind Maps starts with a central image, and branches off. It demonstrates infinite thinking capacity of the human brain. It is aptly called theĀ Swiss Army Knife for the brain.

Tony Buzan is an authority on Mind Maps. In 2006, he created the iMindMap software. In 2009, it was nominated for the Best New Product Developed in the UK by the Chartered Institute of IT.


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