The apps market in India is likely to grow by more than four times to Rs.3800 crore by 2016. Of this paid applications contribute over 50 per cent. Indian Council for Research on International. Economic relations (ICRIER) estimates the total worth of Indian app economy at Rs. 900 crore with immense potential to grow further. An average of 17 apps are downloaded in India per user, out of which 4 are paid apps, compared to global average of 26 apps of which 5 are paid apps. India is among the top three countries by the number of app downloads. Interestingly, 80 per cent of apps being downloaded in India are global apps. There is lack of India-specific apps. There are over 3 lac Mobile apps developers in the country. InMobi has that released an engaging mobile advertising delivery platform competing with Facebook and Google. Some companies develop iOS apps.