Moments – A New Feature on Twitter

Twitter is too confusing. Moments, a new feature attempts to alter Twitter’s chaotic timeline into a series of narratives. These are easy to navigate. Moments would be seen alongside the timeline. On tapping it, you reach prominent headlines highlighting big events. Tap on any one such event, and a ‘moment’ would open — it is a story  in full screen arranged by the editors. This story is a selection of tweets. Each moment can be shared and viewed by any user. Moments tab listing several daily moments is now exclusively for the US users; and will be rolled out later elsewere. It establishes Twitter’s utility even for a non-celebrity user. It gives Twitter its purpose — a reason for being. Here you can find out what is happing in the world. It is a timelier and broader view of the world. In comparison, Facebook is hyper-personalized and friend-based. Twitter gives an expansive view.

Moments may fetch casual users. Twitter’s main timeline shows tweets in reverse chronological order. There is no filtering keeping in mind the user’s interests. Moments, by contrast, is a curated view. Here the editorial judgment counts. Within each moment tweets are arranged in such a way that they make sense as a story. It is not the chronological typing order. It contextualizes the main timeline. It is in a sense a newspaper — comprehensible to all.

Facebook user filters and filters out stuff in which you are not interested. Twitter does not use filters  on main timeline. If you follow someone, you see all the tweets. It is a bigger commitment as a follower than that of a friend on Facebook. Moments will select followable content.

Moments are laidback. On Twitter timeline older things disappear as there is a flood of new tweets. Moments in comparison is slow. You are likely to see a headline of an event lasting 3-4 hours . In the regular Twitter, this is a huge time gap.

Editorial  selection  may raise the question of bias. Twitter will have to shield the editors from the marketing influence. Editors will avoid Moments that smack of marketing.


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