Moments marketing is practised to make the brands impact and be noticed. American airline JetBlue chose two occasions to practise moments marketing — the US Elections and Mother’s Day.
The year was 2016. A JetBlue flight was subjected to an experiment in compromise. Mid-flight an airline executive told the passengers that if they could decide on a single destination to fly to, they would all get a free round-trip ticket to that destination.
It was an election year. JetBlue wanted to see whether the passengers agree on a common destination and reach a consensus. In the beginning, everything is uncertain. There was an issue of a domestic or foreign destination. Some rows started working together. They proposed several destinations. There was give-and-take. Some objections were over-ruled. Some fears were addressed. There was some persuasion. In an hour, passengers numbering 150 who were strangers, all managed through dialogue, discussion and disagreement. They opted for a common destination — Costa Rica.
Again, in 2016, on Mother’s Day, JetBlue decided to assess passenger’s attitude. They had a plan to alleviate the fears of some mothers who wanted to avoid a ‘lady with the baby who would scream’ creating a nuisance.
The airline offered a special ‘FlyBabies’ promotion on a flight from NYC to Long Beach, California. Passengers were informed about it after the first food and beverage service. The attendant announced there are mothers with babies on the flight. When these babies would cry, it would be hard on them. However, it will be good for you. Every time a baby on the plane cries, you would receive 25 per cent off on your next JetBlue flight. It means if four babies cry, it would entitle them to a free round-trip ticket. It was a welcome announcement.
It was a 7-hour flight. After an hour, none of the tiny passengers obliged by crying. After three and a half-hours, say the half-way mark of the flight, the passengers were restive. Then all of a sudden, one baby let out a loud cry. There was cumulative hurrah. Each passenger had earned 25 per cent off.
After half-an-hour, another baby shed tears, earning them 50 per cent off. There was peace and quiet for the next 90 minutes. Passengers were praying for the next baby to cry. The third baby cried — loud and clear entitling them to 75 per cent. As JetBlue was in the process of landing, the fourth and last baby cried. That gave everyone a free ticket. All 140 passengers were very happy.
Moments marketing is all about magnifying the moment, and not just market it.
Here in India, Go First airline is celebrating its 17th anniversary and has announced that any passenger turning 17 would be entitled to a free ticket, and for the next trip would get 17 per cent off by quoting ‘Going 17’ on mobile app.