Original Comic (Book) Art : Valuable Business

All over the world, there are art collectors. Some of them are comic art collectors. Comic art in original is a very valuable investment. A comic book’s original sketch work, after it has been scanned for reproduction, is returned to the artist. Companies such as Marvel and DC Comics only own the rights of reproduction, not the originals themselves. The artists hire representatives who sell this art for them. The comic art market is driven by nostalgia. The comic book readers grow up and long   for books read by them in their younger age. Even some moder artists command a good price. It is difficult to assess the value of any piece or panel. It is a matter of personal sentiment and nostalgia. A comic book converted into a movie enhances its value. Some artists rarely sell their work.  Scarcity makes their work highly valuable. A deviation in style on the part of the artist increases the value of his work. So also the work enhances in value when an artist switches from one character to another. The Europeans revere their comic artists because their output  consists of only 48 pages per year. As against this, American artists produce 22 pages per month. Public transactions are just the tip of the ice-berg. Comic art comes on over-sized sheets of hard paper usually in black and white. They could be sketched for cover, for a regular multi-panelled page or for a splash page with a single, giant panel. As they are roughs when drawn, there are erasure marks and correction fluid marks. There are marginal comments.


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