We should have principles that govern AI. Microsoft chief Satya Nadella is in favour of some principles that govern AI, since we are the creators of AI. The trouble is the ‘black box’. AI is largely data driven today. However, new breakthroughs will help us explain the black box, so that ethically and in terms of regulation we can control it. As AI algorithms get smarter, they also become more incomprehensible, and humans cannot always understand how a given machine learning algorithm makes decisions. This opaque process is referred to as black box.
Data protection is expected of the tech companies. The leaders of the tech companies are facing techlash. However, the whole world is becoming tech sector — every retail company, every health company. Facial recognition has 10 virtuous uses that improve life and 10 other uses which are worrying. Technology should be put to fair uses. Self-regulation goes some way. Then outside regulation takes over.
General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) is fantastic to protect privacy as a human right. The US can think of something similar. The world should converse on a common standard.