Digital publishers are mainly supported by advertising revenues. Internet and advertising started their journey together. Even after three decades of the existence of internet, advertising continues to support internet. Publishers rely on page views (essentially their ad inventory) and the more the page views, the more the advertising revenues. There are constraints on ad viewability. Push notification advertising overcomes this constraint.
There is wide scale adoption of push notification ads amongst the publishers. These help the publishers in engagement of the audience and also in monetisation. Push notifications are short which pop up on the users’ devices, say cell phones or desktops, persuading them to act. These are delivered to those who opt for them. Thus the ads are targeted to the interested audience.
The situation improves the likelihood of the ads being clicked. These are also not barred by ad blockers. They are effective and create a stream of revenue for the publishers. Publishers get a click-though rate of 8-12 per cent.
Push notifications ads do not compete with ads that appear on the website, since push notifications are directly delivered. These reach the location that other ad formats cannot — users’ devices. They yield higher CTR ( click-through rate), much higher than the banner ads.
Most visitors to the publishers’ website are casual. Many do not return to the website. Such visitors can be converted into an audience and can be monetised. On push notifications, native advertising content can be served, It escalates the advertising revenue.
Publishers flourish on advertising. Their aim is to build traffic. They should make good use of push notifications.