Quantum Computing

The world is fascinated by the generative AI chatbot ChatGPT from OpenAI and backed by Microsoft. Though Google too is working in AI, Google has also chosen quantum computing, the holy grail of scientists and researchers as another field that is equally exciting. As we know, binary information is stored as 1or 0 or in bits whereas qubits could store information in 1 and 0 at the same time. In a given amount of time, quantum computing can process large information. However, qubits exist at super-cold temperatures — just above zero degree K. Besides, qubits are susceptible to minutest interference, say light. As these are error-prone, they are problematic in computing.

Google has made a breakthrough in quantum error correction. Here instead of relying on physical qubits on individual basis, information is stored across many physical qubits and then treat this a single logical qubit. This minimises the error rate. In their research, they found that a logical qubit with larger number qubits reduces the error. It is, however, inefficient. It could be treated as a baby step.

A quantum computer will be a reality by the advancing research in material science, maths and electrical engineering. What could take a traditional computer thousands of years, could be solved by quantum computers in a matter of seconds. It is called quantum supremacy.

AI chatbots such as ChatGPT have worked only on one part of the puzzle. There should be high accuracy and error-free working. The chatbots are prone to committing errors. Improvements here is the concern for both the technologies — generative AI as well as quantum computing.


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