This biopic was made on a bold judge Ramshastri who sentences Raghobadada Peshwa. It was made by Prabhat, and was released in Central and Plaza in Mumbai and Prabhat in Pune on 30th June, 1944. 75 years have since then passed and this is Amritmahotsav Year of the movie. Gajanan Jahagirdar enacted the role of Ramshastri. When the movie was being planned in 1942, V Shantaram left Prabhat, and so the responsibility of direction came to Vishnupant Damle and Sahebmama Fattelal. The screenplay was by Shivrampant Washikar. Gajanan Jahagirdar, apart from acting, took the responsibility of direction too. Fattelal acted as Raghobadada. Bapusaheb Bendre acted Narayanrao. The child Ram was enacted by Anant Marathe. Ramshastri ran for 27 and 30 weeks in Mumbai and Pune respectively. Its Hindi version was released all over the country. It has been shown in the festival circuit.