A burger is a product, but McDonald’s is a brand. A toothpaste is a product but Promise is a brand. A company has to establish its brands successfully, and this function is called brand management. Marketing communication plays a major role by establishing unique identity of the brand. Consumers deal with this identity. The whole process of branding adds intangible aspects to that brand that makes it meaningful and memorable for a consumer.
Brand these days is broadly defined as a perception that is mixed with emotions. How is this perception formed? Through brand experience and information passed on by the company about itself and its product line. In short, a brand is a mix of tangible and intangible elements.
One of the advantages of branding is that a brand distinguishes it from other competing brands.
A brand could be a corporate brand, say Tata’s Eue de cologne or an individual brand, say Lux.
A brand evolves over a period of time. It goes beyond its name and logo. It acquires a perception tinged with emotions, feelings and associations. The whole thing then becomes a brand concept. It is what it stands for in the mind and hearts of its customers. Brands make products meaningful. In fact, they enrich a product.
Brand identity consists of a brand name and its logo. It should be distinctive, associative, benefit indicating, simple and heritage indicating.
Brand comes from the branding of cattle — the name of the ranch to which the cattle belonged.
Brand position indicates how a brand is located or placed in the consumer’s mind, relative to the competing brands.
Brand promise is the promise that a brand makes.
Brand image is a complex brand impression. It is a mental picture of the brand. It considers brand associations.
Brand personality humanizes a brand. Brand equity measures the value of a brand. Brand value has two components — value to the consumers, value to corporation. Brand relationship leads to the loyalty to a brand. Brand equity can be leveraged. Thus we have brand extensions, co-branding , licensing and ingredient branding.