A soap opera is a radio or television serial drama chiefly characterized by stock domestic situation or often melodramatic or sentimental treatment.
It is so called probably for the fact that it was formerly often sponsored by soap manufacturers. TV’s first soap in India was the 156-episode Hum Log which went on air on July 15, 1984.
Characteristics of a Soap Opera
The continuous serial has to work with a punishing schedule, normally appearing on TV once a week or more than once a week or daily. In order to do this, it establishes a base which becomes increasingly familiar to its audience, while maintaining sufficient flexibility to be able to present apparently different situations.
It provides us with the feeling of an unwritten future while giving us necessary access to the past . We are constantly wondering what will happen next — occasionally with a real cliff-hanger.
It presents us with new events which are endless variations on regular patterns and provides a range of characters which is both varied and limited. This balance of change and repetition is achieved through the organization of narrative and character.
Television calls for a lot of discipline, unlike films. It is one step ahead of theatre.
TV is such a medium that dialogues become all important factor since shots are mostly close-ups of people. When combined with the right kind of performance, good casting and good direction, we get the formula of a sure winner.
In any soap, the characters keep developing with the story. If it clicks with the audience, it can prove to be a turning point in the story.
TV serials largely depend upon certain combination of factors like good writing, good artists and good coordination.