It is not important whether the internet network is 4G, 5G or 6G. The crucial part is the delivery of service. The speed of the network, its capacity and latency (lag in response time) are the criteria to judge the efficiency of the network.
The best connectivity is provided by fibre, though it is expensive. Such fibre connections to towers may not be financially viable. In addition, there should be proliferation of small cells, with wireless or fibre links (called backhaul) to networks and Wi-Fi user. Is it realistic for fibre connectivity to towers and small cells?
There is a study of backhaul in 40 countries. There is another study on spectrum for Wireless Backhaul.
Between 2021 and 2027, there would be massive augmentation of backhaul capacity through evolution — there would be wireless links to the extent of 65 per cent. They would evolve to higher frequencies. The E-band of 70-80 GHz is expected to dominate wireless backhaul.
Even countries with high levels of fibre such as Japan and South Korea are using E and V bands for backhaul. V-band has been delicensed for Wi-Fi (60GHz). India can opt for this.
Fibre in India is not practical. It can be replaced by wirless backhaul. That will necessitate evolution to higher, wider bands.
V and E bands are reasonable alternatives for short distances of 1 km, 3 km-4km or more. Of course, there would be rain attenuation.
There should be active network sharing.