This is a word game created by a software engineer, Josh Wardle from the US to entertain his partner. He named it Wordle and it was to be played between the two of them. The game then was extended to a WhatsApp group. Later it was released for the public at large. In October, 2021, a couple of hundred people played it. In just two months, 3 lac plus people started playing it.
It invites players to conjecture a five letter word and then whether any of those letters are in the secret word and in the correct position. There are six chances to crack this right. He built a website. It is just fun. The collaboration was of two people — Wardle himself, and his partner, Palak Shah.
It limited players to one game a day. There are about 12000 words of five letters in the English language, some of which are obscure and difficult to guess. Later the list was narrowed down to 2500 words which would last for a few years