The music on records was not easily replicable, and so its spread remained limited. It could be transported as a tangible disc from one place to another. Then came cassettes. It affected the market. These were soon replicable at low cost.Then came CD , DVD, MP3. All these finished the monopoly of music market. It spread widely through Internet. Music was a sign of creativity and talent. This was diluted. New market for music emerged. Steve Job’s created iTunes to globalise the music market. Piracy has adversely affected the music sales. Music market in 2005 was $ 20.7 billion. In 2011, it was reduced to $ 16.2 billion. It affected the spread of music, and the musicians too. There were no concerts without sponsorship. Music was available free on You Tube. The market prices crashed. Presentation of music in a concert—this was considered secondary. Talent was adversely affected. Music shops closed down. New talents were seeking stage shows. Download of music became possible. It has entered Indian market. The repertoire of Indian music on iTunes is limited. But there is a hope, that the market will expand. The iPods have given a new experience of listening to music. iTunes buys music and sells it. It has disciplined the market.