According to CI-KPMG Indian Media & Entertaiment Report, 2014, marketers in India are spending more on print than on TV. This was so in 2013 as well. This is likely to continue till 2018.
In 2013, the total advertising spend across all media was Rs 36,250 crore. The share of the print was Rs 16,260 crore. It was the highest. TV stood at Rs 13,590 crore.
In 2014, the projected spend was Rs 41,000 crore, of which Rs 17, 900 crore was the print’s share. The political advertising boosted print’s share. Besides, there was sports advertising on account of FIFA Football World Cup. Even vernacular print media attracted good ads.
Print overtook TV in 2010, and its lead widened in 2014.
Print has four to five times more advertisers than TV.Print is expected to grow at 17 per cent and TV at 15 per cent.
In future, advertising is likely to move to digital platforms. Both print and TV will lose out to digital platforms.
In 2018, the projected ad revenue is Rs 70000 crore of which print will account for Rs 28000 crore, while TV will account for Rs 25000 crore.