AI in Coding

Many have been laid off in technical companies. At the same time, tech businesses have made significant investments in AI. The model that is emerging is of shedding headcount and hiring talent with AI skills. It is estimated that in the next five years, 30 per cent of entry-level coding jobs would be replaced by AI.

AI and ML has changed coding which has become speedier. Software development uses AI in development, testing and maintenance. Programmers should use AI tools to their advantage. A programmer can complement his own skills and can overcome his weaknesses by leveraging AI. AI can enhance the capabilities of programmers.

AI generated content is not always accurate, and hence manual monitoring to check the codes would be essential. There should be sufficient safeguards before proprietary codes are shared with generative AI tools for decoding.

Human ingenuity is required in the system design and software architecture. It is necessary to know where to use AI and where human intervention.


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