Augmented Reality (AR) : Potential

The physical world’s environment is modified by computer-generated sensory inputs. It alters the current perception of reality. It is distinguished from virtual reality which replaces the real world with a simulated one. Augmentation is in real time. AR enriches the real world with digital information and media such as 3D models and videos, overlaying in real-time the camera view of your smart phone, tablet, PC or connected glasses. In Indian market, augmented reality was introduced in the mid-2000s. A fair amount of algorithm development and computing was required. At the same time, some tertiary technologies were needed. If open source innovations which enables many customers to interact with the brand happen, the cost of technology would reduce. Malls and theatres were targeted for different brands, e.g. a person sitting in chair, could experience a Ferrari forming around him. Augmented reality can let you experience the day or night settings. Augmented reality can create a sensation of you driving a vehicle. All this is live augmented reality. There is a single active user, and there are multiple passive participators. Despite the initial enthusiasm from brand marketers, the technology has not picked up. Ad agencies just do the QR codes which leave the brand marketers unexcited. There are no real eye ball catching AR campaigns in India. In future there could be an alliance between the ad agencies and technology firms to practice such innovations. It could be the next big thing in India.


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