Much water has flown through the Ganga since McCarthy proposed the famous Four Ps thirty years ago — Product, Price, Place and Promotion. It was alright for an advertiser to develop a product, price it to make a profit, place it on the retail shelf and promote it to an eager consumer. The formula does not work well these days. There is product explosion. Retailers are independent. Consumers are not pliable. It is time to think of a new model.
Lauterborn suggests a Four Cs model.
Consumer wants and needs
We have to make what someone specifically wants to buy. We can no longer sell what we make.
Consumer cost to satisfy
Price is irrelevant. We have to consider the cost of time, the cost of conscience and the cost of guilt — so many other aspects apart from price.
Convenience to buy
It is an era of e-commerce and direct marketing. It is not necessary to go physically to a place to buy. We have to consider how each segment in the market prefers to buy.
Promotion is out, communication is in . It is co-operative. Promotion was manipulative.