Crowdsourcing is around us as a concept for the last 10 years. It is a combination of crowd and outsourcing which means getting a task done by engaging a crowd of people. It is a participative and democratic approach to get something done — be it a creative, a script, start up ideas or funding. Mostly crowd is the audience of online media. Apple crowdsourced photos taken with its phone by regular people around the world. P & G commercialized ideas sourced from individual creators. Coca Cola ran ‘ Share a Coke’ campaign with loved ones. Advertising agencies can crowdsource creative ideas. Publishers can crowdsource books, stories, novels. Crowdsourcing output commands a lot of respect as it is non-partisan and non-agenda oriented. It gets quick acceptance. Crowdsourcing done by an advertising agency augments its creative efforts. When an organization excessively depends on crowdsourcing, some may think it is devoid of ideas. Besides, some ideas thus sourced can be jaded or copied. Crowdsourcing is economical. It saves costs. But that is not the objective. The objective is to engage the people. Sony crowdsourced some ideas for its popular CID serial by asking people to conclude an incomplete story. Balaji Motion Pictures proposes to use the platform to get scripts. Crowdsourcing can raise funds for films and can be used to source scripts.