Journalism has been a respected in India till the electronic news media from satellite channels came on the scene in the early 90s. Journalism was affected by its association with the channels whose anchors act like politicians. There is bigotry and gracelessness in their talk. They do not use dignified language. They are judgmental. They shout down anyone voicing an opinion contrary to which they favour.
Media owners have business interests which come in conflict with an independent line of editorials. Even DD, the public service broadcaster, is not autonomous.
Indian media facilitates the polarisation of the population and assaults the unifying factor, the Indian Cinema. It is labelled as a place where nepotism rules whereas the truth is that in this field, only the merit counts. There is vilification of the manpower in this industry. Indian cinema has stood its ground for the last 100 years, without any government support. In fact, it generates revenue for the government and employs several lac people directly and many more indirectly.
Despite the black sheep in journalism, there are journalists who report news accurately and do an objective analysis.