Digital content is created specially for young viewers, e.g. Myntra Fashion Superstar. The team had experience of creating content TV. They had to curate a programme that could be viewed and then acted upon within the app ecosystem. Reality content for digital has to be curated differently from TV reality shows. People do not want to watch a digital show that looks like the TV show recreated for digital.
Digital viewers want bold, edgy, youthful and trendy content. They look for engagement and interactivity.
Unscripted shows for digital is a growing trend. There is massive opportunity for non-fiction content for digital platforms.
There is demand for both scripted and unscripted content.
The cost of a TV show which on average runs for 25-30 episodes per season cannot be compared to an OTT show which has fewer episodes, say 8-10. An OTT show’s cost per episode is higher. It could be 2-3 times more than that of a TV episode.