Jeffery Archer, the celebrated British author, visited India in May 2010 to inaugurate Landmark, a bookstore at Palladium, Parel and also release his latest book on short stories. He was interviewed by the DNA reporter, and he enquired politely about the booksellers at traffic signals. He feels that they should stay. He saw them selling his book a couple of years ago. It is his greatest thrill about the city of Mumbai. He pleads that the authorities should not remove them from the signals. Apart from books, at traffic signals various eatables, toys, mopping clothes, incense sticks, newspapers and magazines are being sold. Some sell lottery tickets too.
Jeffery Archer, the famous novelist, in his recent India trip recollected that in his last trip a little boy at a red traffic light tapped his window and said, ‘ Get the latest Jeffery Archer.’ Jeffery said, ‘ I am the latest Jeffery Archer.’