Advantages of Newspaper Advertising

Local advertising : Local advertising is in fact possible only in newspapers. Barring a few national advertisements, newspapers contain mostly local advertising.

Time Flexibility : Newspaper ads can be inserted at the last minute to take advantage of some special marketing situation.

Reach : Newspapers have a wide reach. It reflects the strength of the press.

Family medium : Newspapers are read by the whole family. They are suitable for messages for all age groups.

Testing easier : It is easier to test the newspaper ads.

Choices : They offer a wide variety of sizes and positions.

Medium of Choice : As a result of fragmentation of the TV medium, we see a rennaisance in print advertising. Print seems to be the only way to acquire a presence for the brand today.

Selectivity : Print has geographic selectivity.

Editorial environment : The editorial matter can be used strategically to place the ads. Newspapers are bought to read the editorial matter. The stronger the editorial environment, the better it is for the ad messages.


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